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Pe hartie, suna perfect - un aparat conectat la Wi-Fi cu care poti comanda o ceasca de ceai prin telefon astfel incat sa fie gata pana te ridici din pat. Pentru Mark Rittman, experienta s-a transformat insa in cosmar!
El a petrecut 11 ore incercand sa rezolve o problema cu conexiunea la internet a aparatului pentru a fierbe apa! Rittman, analist, incerca sa-si instaleze aparatul care l-a costat 100 de lire - gadgetul poate fi controlat de pe smartphone in totalitate: poti alege si cata apa sa contina ceaiul.
Rittman a povestit totul pe Twitter chiar in timp ce se intampla - pana la urma a reusit! S-a apucat insa de treaba la 9 dimineata. Ceaiul l-a baut la 8 seara!
Still haven't had a first cup of tea this morning, debugging the kettle and now iWifi base-station has reset. Boiling water in saucepan now. pic.twitter.com/lC3uNX5WTp
— Mark Rittman (@markrittman) October 11, 2016
Now my wifi kettle is basically taking the p*ss. Told me it had found network, now you need to recalibrate me, oh btw I didn't rly connect pic.twitter.com/WbGsIrzBio
— Mark Rittman (@markrittman) October 11, 2016
Well the kettle is back online and responding to voice control, but now we're eating dinner in dark while lights download a firmware update pic.twitter.com/yPTDoUkM9Z
— Mark Rittman (@markrittman) October 11, 2016
My work is done. And now onto everything else I meant to do today, after that first cup of tea. pic.twitter.com/bJPuJ85TCT
— Mark Rittman (@markrittman) October 11, 2016